20 December 2010

Success story of Gorkha Paltan

from blog.xnepali

Before the release of the movie ‘Gorkha Paltan’, most of the people in Nepali movie industry were confident that the movie will not succeed in the box-office. Everybody believed, the movie rely on the main attraction of the movie, the third Indian Idol Prashant Tamang,who turned his career as an actor with this movie. Their assumptions is valid in the historical context of Nepali cinema – singers-turned-actors were mostly successful in the box-office in the past. 

Except for a few fans of Prashant Tamang, most of the general public was not that happy by the news that Prashant Tamang was acting in a Nepali movie. Most believed that a lot of Nepali voted Prashant and supported him during Indian Idol contest as he was a good singer. But as an actor he was untested and nobody knew if he was good enough. 

Hence, it was clear Prashant Tamang’s reputation will not work to make this movie hit and even the producers were also not that sure in the success of the movie in box-office. That uncertainty might be one of the reasons the producers didn’t care to have a premiere show before being released. 

Finally, ‘Gorkha Paltan’ was released all over Nepal during Tihar festival (November 5, 2010). The movie got unexpected success and good response from the viewers. Everyone was shocked when the movie did very good in box-office. When everyone were against this movie but lastly it went opposite to their views. 

Did Prashant Tamang’s name and fame made Gorkha Paltan a hit?  

Some people, who didn’t watch the movie, suspect Prashant’s fan made this movie super hit. But, it is not true. Prashant’s fame has nothing to do with making the movie a success. But yes, Prashant had given a big plus point to this movie. The movie not only has a good story but also a good script running throughout the movie. The script of Gorkha Paltna flows smoothly and there are no unrelated scenes in the movie (in contrast to many Nepali movies in which unrelated scenes are thrown in it to make it long enough). 

‘Gorkha Paltan’ had tried to show the life of Nepali who are working in British Army and Indian Army. It shows the true condition of Lahure’s life, their family and children’s life. Prashant has done justice with the character he has played. Music is another great part of this movie. All the songs except a couple are folk songs made in traditional Nepali lok-dohori tunes. 

In contrast of the trend of Nepali movies, the director, Narayan Raymajhi, has done a good job by cutting in unnecessary fight scenes.

‘Gorkha Paltan’ got such a huge success due to its story, script and presentation. The story is unique to the Nepali society, the actors have done the good work, dialogues were also appropriate according to the situation of the story. 

- Raunak

23 November 2010

When Prashant Tamang Cried

 from lexlimbu
Indian Idol winner Prashant Tamang was seen shedding tears at the press show for his recently released movie GORKHA PALTAN. The movie which was released in November 5 has taken Nepal by storm and super-cemented Tamangs status. Gorkha Paltan has done business of 75 Lakhs within its first two weeks and is still going strong as it enters the third week. Tamang shed a tear at the press show stating how he felt overwhelmed by the love and support he has received from the people. Indeed you all should check out the pictures, he has been treated like royalty, from garlands of flowers to gangs of crowd flocking the theatre, Prashant mania is in full-swing. Producer brothers Rajesh Banshal and Suraj Banshal who previously produced Kohi Mero are surprised by the success of Gorkha Paltan... they feel that the subject of Lahurey life has been the forefront in connecting the movie with the audience. 

This post is for the people who say Nepali movies are all box-office failures. There is enough Nepali movie viewers to make a movie a success...

18 November 2010

Prashant Tamang to be single no more


from thehimalayantimes

POKHARA: The third Indian Idol Prashant Tamang announced on Thursday that he is soon going to tie the knot with his girlfriend Geeta Ale Magar hailing from Nagaland of India.

He informed that he will marry Geeta an air hostess of Kingfisher, an Indian airline in the upcoming year i.e. 2011 amid a programme in Pokhara.

"We will marry as per our tradition," he said.

He is in Pokhara to promote his upcoming first film Gorkha Paltan where he is playing the lead role.

10 November 2010

मेरो नामले चलचित्र चल्दैन - प्रशान्त तामाङ

from filmykhabar

प्रशान्त तामाङ भारतीय टेलिभिजन च्यानल सोनी इन्टेर्टेन्मेन्ट टिभिबाट प्रसारण गरिएको 'ईण्डियन आइडल २००७' मा विजयी हुने प्रथम नेपाली मूलका भारतीय नागरिक हुन् । दार्जीलिङको तुङ्सुङमा जन्मेका प्रशान्त ईण्डियन आइडल हुनुभन्दा अगाडी संगीत सम्बन्धी कुनै तालिम लिएका थिएनन् । भारतिय सेनाका जागिरे यि गायक चलचित्रको नायक समेत भएका छन् । नारायण रायमाझीले निर्देशन गरेको चलचित्र 'गोर्खा पल्टन' मार्फत आफ्नो फिल्मी क्यारियर शुरु गरेका प्रशान्तले 'अंगालो यो मायाको' र 'किन मायामा' नामक चलचित्रमा अभिनय गरिसकेका छन् । प्रस्तुत छ यिनै गायक तथा नायकसँग फिल्मीखबर डटकमले गरेको कुराकानी -

हिरो बन्न रहर लागेर गायकबाट नायक बन्नु भएको हो ?
रहर लागेर नायक भएको हैन । निर्देशक नारायण रायमाझी दाईले मलाई कथा सुनाउनु भयो र कथाबस्तु राम्रो लाग्यो अनि त्यो कथामा न्याय गर्न सक्छु भन्ने लागेर मैले अभिनय गर्ने निधो गरेको हुँ ।   

गायक, नायक र सिपाही मध्ये कुन पेशा गार्हो लाग्यो? 
शुरूमा जुन पेशा पनि गार्हो नै हुन्छ तर आफूले मन लगाएर, मेहनत गरेर गयो भने कुनै काम गार्हो लाग्दैन ।  

यी तीन पेशा मध्ये कुनै एकलाई रोज्नु परेमा कुन पेशा रोज्नु हुन्छ ?
अहिले सम्म मैले जति नाम कमाएको छु त्यो सब गायनबाट नै हो । त्यसैले मेरो पहिलो रोजाईको पेशा गायन नै हुन्छ । 

हिरो बन्छु जस्तो लागेको थियो ?
म हिरो भई सकेको छैन र पनि चलचित्रमा नायकको भुमिका निर्वाह गर्न पाउँछु भनेर मैले सोचेको पनि थिईन तर आज मलाई बिश्वास गरेर ३ वटा चलचित्रमा अभिनय गर्ने मौका दिनु भएको छ । त्यसको लागी म ति तीनै चलचित्रका निर्माण युनिट प्रति आभार व्यक्त गर्न चाहन्छु ।  

'गोर्खा पल्टन' कस्तो चलचित्र हो ?
दुई सय वर्ष इतिहास बोकेको गोर्खा फौजसँग सम्बन्धित छ 'गोर्खा पल्टन' । यस चलचित्रमा बेलायतमा कार्यरत तीन हजार पाँच सय ब्रिटिश गोर्खा सैनिकको जीवनमा आइपर्ने उतारचढावलाई वियोगान्तक रूपमा प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ ।

प्रशान्त तामाङको नामले चलचित्र चलाउन खोजेको त हैन ?

मेरो नामले चलचित्र चल्ने हैन । मैले राम्रो काम गर्न नसके पक्कै पनि मैले अभिनय गरेको चलचित्र सफल हुँदैन । 

चलचित्रमा तपाईलाई व्यापारिक प्रयोजनको लागी प्रयोग गरेको जस्तो त लाग्दैन ?
मैले त्यस्तो सोचेको छैन । मैले राम्रो अवसर पाएको छु र त्यो अवसरको सदुपयोग गर्ने कोसिस पनि गरेको छु ।

ईन्डियन आईडल लाखौं नेपालीबाट पाएको माया आज यो चलचित्रमा पुन: पाउने कत्तिको आश राख्नु भएको छ ?
ईन्डियन आईडल हुन जुन माया, हौसला मैले पाएको थिएँ त्यो माया, हौसला मैले यो चलचित्रमा पनि पाउने छु भन्ने ठूलो आश गरेको छु ।  मैले आफ्नो तर्फबाट राम्रो गर्न सक्दो कोसिस गरेको छु अब मेरो कामलाई मन पराइदिने या मन नपराईदिने त्यो दर्शकको हातमा ।

Can ‘Indian Idol’ Prashant Tamang become Nepali matinee idol?

By Sudeshna Sarkar

Kathmandu, Nov 10 (IANS) This is going to be a critical week for former “Indian Idol” Prashant Tamang. He is now aiming to become the new matinee idol of Nepal, the country that helped him win the popular Indian reality show three years ago.
The 27-year-old former constable from West Bengal Police Force starts his new innings as an actor with his debut film, “Gorkha Paltan”, running in almost 60 theatres across the country.
Though the film on a poor boy from the hills who joins the British Army to escape poverty was released Friday, the actual commercial run started Tuesday because the festivities kept the viewers away and the absence of newspapers meant no critical reviews of the movie.
Directed by Nepali singer Narayan Rayamajhi, “Gorkha Paltan” brought two unexpected visitors in Kathmandu to promote the film.
One of them is Prashant himself, who reportedly cut short a concert in the US to attend the premiere. The other is his mascot, who had boosted his morale in 2007 when he participated in the music reality show on Sony Television in India.
Prashant’s mother Rupa Tamang, who had crowned him with a traditional Nepali cap during the “Indian Idol” grand finale in 2007, flew in from Darjeeling to wish her son luck once again.
“My son is now transforming into an actor from a singer,” the proud mother told Kantipur daily. “I have come to give him my blessings. Let this journey of his too be crowned with success.”
As mother and son watched the film at the Ashtaranayan multiplex in Kathmandu’s busy industrial area Balaju, an overcome Rupa wept during the screening. At the end of the film, she said it was the story of her son, indeed, of their entire family.
Prashant’s father, who was with Kolkata Police, died when his son was still a teenager. The tragedy forced the teen to leave school and step into his father’s shoes to look after his mother and sister.
Though Prashant has two more films in the pipeline - “Angalo yo mayako” and “Kino mayama” - to buck up his career, “Gorkha Paltan” will play a decisive role in making or marring his new avatar.
The media has already started comparing him to other singers who also tried their hands at acting, but returned to singing.
Nepal’s best-known example is golden-voiced singer Udit Narayan Jha, from the Terai plains, who despite his acclaimed role in the blockbuster Nepali film “Kusume Rumal”, failed to carve a niche for himself as an actor in the Hindi film industry.
Though Bollywood rejected him as a hero, it opened its arms wide to him as a playback singer.
Indian singer Sonu Nigam too made an attempt to become a hero. His debut film “Love in Nepal” had a Nepal connexion as it was shot partly in the Himalayan republic and also starred the 1997 Miss Nepal, Jharana Bajracharya.
Sonu too failed as an actor and returned to his first love, singing.
Prashant’s other two films are being shot in India.

(Sudeshna Sarkar can be contacted at sudeshna.s@ians.in)

26 October 2010

‘Gorkha Paltan’ ready for theaters

KATHMANDU, Oct 26: “Gorkha Paltan”, starring Indian Idol season three winner, Prashant Tamang, is going to be screened in theatres all around Nepal
from November 5, Friday. This was announced Monday at a press meet held at Indreni Complex, New Baneshwor.

“The film is based on the lifestyle and culture of the Gurkha soldiers who join foreign armies,” informed Narayan Rayamajhi, director-cum- musician of the film, adding, “It is also about family separation.”

Singer -turned-actor, Prashant Tamang, said some elements of the film bears a striking similarity to his own life experiences.

“I felt quite uncomfortable about the theme of the film; however, later, I was impressed by it,” he added.

“The storyline of the film is rooted in Nepal and showcases the lifestyle of Gurkhas,” stated producer, Rajesh Banshal.

While actor Tamang referred to the music of the film as being captivating, he has lent his voice to most of the songs in the film.

pic: gorkha paltan site

25 October 2010

Prashant Tamang, to be or not to be – an Actor / or what else to be… I cannot sing


Prashant Tamang, Darjeeling´s very own Indian Idol and celebrity is now on a role, yes role, literally, he is hoping to land some roles in the Bollywood. He did of course act in a couple of Nepali films shot in Darjeeling hills, Sikkim and Nepal. The most recent one being Gorkha Paltan which is yet to evoke any enthusiasm in Kathmandu. Of course, back home in Darjeeling people are still trying to sink in to the belief that the questionable singer voted to the throne of Indian Idol by Gorkhas all over the planet wants to now become an actor. The verdict is unanimous, he will probably stink as he did singing, even if he does land a role in Bollywood; hopfully in his eagerness to accept a role he will not irrevocably damage the image of the Gorkhas as he did in the Indian Idol when he accepted to wear the custom of a Chowkidar, when he could have so easily said no.
Good luck Prashant, we are all behind you, however, do remember people including toddlers skipped their meals to vote for you… you are supposed to be our face in India and beyond.

30 September 2010

Nepal to appoint 'Indian Idol' as goodwill ambassador

Kathmandu:  After roping in cricket legend Sunil Gavaskar to promote tourism, Nepal is set to appoint 'Indian Idol 2008' Prashant Tamang as its goodwill ambassador as it aims to bring in one million tourists, a major chunk from India.

Tamang, who is an Indian of Nepali ethnicity, will arrive in Kathmandu from Darjeeling on Friday and will be given the title of goodwill ambassador of Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) at a press conference, a board official said.

Gavaskar was appointed Nepal's tourism ambassador in 2005. Earlier, NTB had appointed 22-inch-tall teenager Khagendra Thapamagar as its brand ambassador and 19-year-old Miss Nepal 2010 Sadichha Shrestha as goodwill ambassador to promote tourism.

Nepal aims to bring in one million tourists including 268,000 Indian tourists under the 'Nepal Tourism Year 2011' campaign to revive its tourism sector that was hit hard by decade long Maoist insurgency.

2 September 2010

Prashant Tamang with his lead actress Sumina Ghimeray in his new Film "Kina Mayama "

Prashant Tamang with his lead actress Sumina Ghimeray in his new Film "Kina Mayama " with Suresh Lama at Gangtok.

Pic: Suresh Lama

22 June 2010

Nepali Feature Film “Angalo Yo Maya Ko” Editing completed

Press Release 


According to the Producer Kishor Dungmali Rai who is presently at Kathmandu said that - Nepali feature film “ Angalo Yo Maya Ko” editing is completed. The voice dubbing of the movie will soon be starting at the 5th Mile Metro Point based PSLAM Studio from next week. The music of the film is yet to be release , because of Lead actor and a singer  Prashant Tamang’s  busy schedule at Mumbai the release date is not yet fixed. He will be joining soon in the dubbing session as well as to give playback for his solo song which he had sang for this movie. Movie is set to release on first week of September and will be release exclusively around Nepali settled area here in India and same will be taken to different parts of the world. 

After the release of the music of this movie, music will soon be aired on our Radio Partner Radio Misty Sikkim and Radio Misty Siliguri so that music lovers can listen the songs before movie release. Radio Misty listeners can interact live with Prashant Tamang during his interview in Radio Misty Studio soon. Channel Ace Production house has signed Indian Idol 3 Prashant Tamang in lead role for their upcoming Nepali feature film “Kasoor” which is going to be shoot from second week of August,2010.

19 May 2010

Poster of Gorkha Paltan


Gorkhali Indian Idol in Gorkha Paltan

KATHMANDU, May 17: “When a Gorkhali decides to join a battalion, he promises to do anything and everything for his country. He vows that he will not be carried away by his emotions and will remain disciplined to guard his nation from all odds,” Dr Pradip Bhattrai, a film critic and prominent film journalist shared. “Director and producer Narayan Rayamajhi’s upcoming film Gorkha Paltan is such a film that recounts all that a Lahure has to go through in his life.” 

Directed and produced by Narayan Rayamajhi, Gorkha Paltan, an upcoming celluloid film released its album under the presentation of Music.Com at The Bakery Café in Sundara yesterday.

The comedy duo MaHa jodi (Madan Krishna Shrestha and Hari Bansha Acharya) officially released the album of the film, which is composed by BB Anuragi and is brought out by Music.Com.

What makes Gorkha Paltan a must-see and it’s album a must-buy is that this feature film has debuted Indian Idol 3 Prashant Tamang as the lead hero in the film and most of the soundtracks in the film is voiced by Tamang.

“I’ve always been a great fan of MaHa jodi. As a child, I always dreamt meeting with them someday. Today, I can’t express how happy I am to have received this privilege of releasing my album from these gigantic figures of the Nepali screen,” the excited singer turned actor enthused, adding, “Their consistency is an inspiration to all. I promise to follow their footsteps. I promise to keep singing as long as there is life in me.”

The function also marked Madan Krishna Shrestha’s birthday, who turned 60 on Saturday. In no time, people stood up to sing birthday song for Shrestha while the prominent actor got carried away as he was cutting the cake.

“Sixty and 16 sounds quite familiar and I’d prefer to be called sixteen,” the birthday boy shared humorously referring to the sixteen candles lit on his birthday cake. “Thank you so much for your love and thank you so much for making my birthday loud and colorful. And, I wish Gorkha Paltan to do a great business. I’d like to convey my best wishes to Prashant Tamang’s musical journey. May he shine as an actor as well,” Shrestha concluded.

Singer turned actor Tamang requested his fans to accept him as an actor too.

“You showered me your love and bestowed me with your blessings when I dreamt of becoming a singer. Now I’m dreaming of becoming an actor too. I’m sure you’ll accept my new avatar too,” the former Indian Idol put in emotionally.

Published on 2010-05-17 10:14:52

'I'm still a beginner'



Indian Idol 3 Prashant Tamang will be turning into an actor with Gorkha Paltan. Directed and produced by Narayan Rayamajhi, the Nepali feature film will debut Tamang in the lead role. Republica had a chat with Tamang during the music release function of the movie. Excerpts:

How has life changed ever since you became Indian Idol?

Certainly, the Indian Idol award has given me so much. First and foremost, it introduced me as somebody. Before I became the idol, hardly anybody cared what I was doing. It has fulfilled my childhood dream of becoming a singer and it has given me a vision to grow up as a singer.

In Bollywood, stardom is like that castle of sand by the sea which can be swept away easily by unfortunate tides. Many singers have disappeared and only a few have succeeded in the industry. Where do you see yourself?

I’ve to admit this that it’s not that easy to live up to one’s expectation in Indian film industry. Likewise, it’s a Herculean task to maintain one’s stardom. Sometimes, it’s not just the talent; it’s also the luck that really matters. I also have to admit this that I’m still a beginner and there’s still a long way to go. I’ll definitely not give up.

As you’re also in the battalion of Darjeeling police, it must be really difficult managing time for music while also working for the battalion.

My battalion is very supportive toward my love for music. It’s because of them that I’ve reached here so far. They’ve been flexible in terms of my work schedules.

But if you have to someday choose between music and your profession, which will you go for?

Well…that’s a tough question to answer right now. But suppose if I really have to choose between the two, I believe my department will understand if I chose music.

Most of the Indian Idols, apart from the first Idol Abhijeet Sawant, are hardly into showbiz and it seems like they all disappeared from the limelight.

See…it’s really competitive out there. Nonetheless, I’m not trying to say that I’m not ready to face the difficulties. I’m ready to go through all hurdles. But to be very honest, I haven’t been offered for anything in Indian music industry so far. May be the right time for me is yet to come. Regarding the disappearance of other Indian Idols, all of them are busy with their own musical projects.

With “Gorkha Paltan” you’re trying your hands at acting too. How did this happen?

Apart from longing to become a singer, I also wanted to become an actor. And, the role that I’ve been offered in the movie is a blessing in disguise.

But don’t you think mixing two genres (singing and acting) together may ruin your singing career?

Both the genres you’re talking about come together under a single umbrella of art. It would rather be fun to sing for myself in the films I do. Besides, I also need to prove some people that I can act as well. A few told me that I’m not fit for an actor’s role. I need to prove them wrong.

While many hesitate to begin a career in the already sinking Nepali film industry, you seem to be very positive about your career…

If you can’t take the risks, you will do nothing extraordinary in life. Somebody has to take the risk and there has to be a beginning. Nepali silver screen is not as difficult to handle as it is often portrayed. I’m satisfied but there’s much more to be done

Published on 2010-05-17 10:11:22

Indian Idol Prashant Tamang was felicitated with 'Bishesh Samman 2067' for his contribution in the sector of Nepali music.

Himalayan News Service

KATHMANDU: Different television programmes and artistes were awarded at the first-ever TAFON-Media Hub Tele Awards 2067 held at Soaltee Crowne Plaza on May 18. The awards were arwarded to tele-serials that were broadcast from Nepali television channels in the last 25 years and artistes who had acted in them.

Pandhra Gatey, the tele-film by famous comedy duo Haribansha Acharya and Madan Krishan Shrestha, was awarded the best tele-film from 1984-1994. After receiving the award Acharya sharing his experience said, "Pandhra Gatey was the major tele-serial that provided us opportunity to work in more serials."

Santosh Panta was felicitated for making the longest tele-serial in the history of Nepal tele-serial and Rudra Raj Pandey was awarded the Lifetime Acheivement Award, while the ever-popular tele-serial Tito Satya won a record number of six awards for the best comedy.

Indian Idol Prashant Tamang was felicitated with 'Bishesh Samman 2067' for his contribution in the sector of Nepali music.

Organised by Television Art workers Forum of Nepal (TAFON) and Media Hub, the award was distributed in categories of comedy, social awareness, folk music videos and pop music videos.

Besides the distribution of awards to the winners, the artistes also presented different songs, dances as well as comedy acts.

Sponsored by PrimeLife insurance in association with Home TV, the co-sponsors of the event were Jagadamba Cement, Flower Fund Energy Food, Nepatop and Pearl. Annapurana Post was the official media partner; THT Live was the official voting partner while Soaltee Crowne Plaza was the hospitality partner.